"Do you have any idea about female dolls?"

Stein looked at Catherine sink and asked
Catherine nodded and said, "Fifteen seconds if you can give me fifteen seconds, I’m sure I’ll kill it if I’m seriously injured."
Fifteen seconds?
Everyone fell silent after hearing this.
However, this silence lasted for a moment and everyone immediately made a decision.
"The life of the female doll is left to you … I hope you don’t let me down."
Director Luo also said, "Since Catherine’s classmates have said so, I will buy you this fifteen seconds even if I die."
Catherine didn’t hesitate to see everyone believe in herself so much.
She held out her hand and a golden arrow appeared in her hand.
Compared with the former energy arrows, this time the arrows are solid.
And this arrow is flashing a little platinum light.
Liu Yuan saw that it was finally white with gold strength, but Catherine was confident that she could break the half-step platinum strength, and the purple thunder demon was now in a state.
The arrow in her hand is made of the body of a golden fierce beast.
And the arrow … impressively is platinum fierce beast body!
This way, the arrow may hurt the half-step platinum purple thunder demon.
Chapter 151 Despair
Just when Catherine took out the golden arrow, the purple thunder demon in the sky had already fallen from it.
A flying pet animal landing on its own initiative shows how confident it is about itself now.
Although this state of the eye is barely achieved after sacrificing more than 100,000 elements.
But half step platinum is also platinum to deal with a group of gold animal benders and pet animals …
That’s not just playing casually!
And stein and others also purple thunder demon walked towards it after landing.
If we can delay it for fifteen seconds, they still have a chance.
The purple thunder demon looked at Stein and others coming towards it with disdain.
Two golden pet beasts, one half man and one half pet golden crow.
Hehe, native dog!
"Jie Jie …"
Purple thunder demon looked at them and made people laugh.
Stein, they don’t talk too much nonsense. When they get close to a distance, they will instantly force.
Death field, gravity field, moon field
Three fields appear at the same time, directly covering the purple thunder demon.
The purple thunder demon reacted to this.
That weird smile on her face has never disappeared. A arrogant gesture of "superior me"
At the same time, Catherine has aimed her bow at the purple thunder demon not far away.
Almost Catherine’s bow instantly turned purple and red, and the smile on her face instantly solidified.
Because it sensed danger from Catherine’s bow and arrow.
Just as the purple thunder demon is stunned, Catherine can bring danger to it now.
Stein and others have rushed to its front.
See stein held himself high Kuroha pike directly toward the purple thunder demon fierce stab.
The granite puppet and the moon white tiger also launched an attack at the same time.
Purple thunder demon directly raised his hand, and a static barrier that was more frightening than before instantly appeared in front of it.
Stein and Moon White Tiger attacked the static barrier instantly.
Face terror thunder force unexpectedly immediately repelled Stan and others.
Then the purple thunder demon appeared in its hand with a thunder gun in one hand.
Then it suddenly threw the thunder gun in its hand at the Huanggangyan puppet.
And this thunderbolt instantly penetrated the granite puppet chest.

Lin Luo has been to some primitive forests in his previous life, but none can compare with this dark cloud forest, because the forest here is too lush and too big, and the plants on the earth can’t compare with it here.

Even after several monks’ explorations, it’s still like an undeveloped jungle, but when you look back at your steps, it’s fleeting. Fortunately, there are a few slopes to climb in the rotten leaves, otherwise you will get lost. But in the depths of the dark clouds forest, it’s almost a Ma Pingchuan that will be restricted unless you build a foundation, because that brother can fly against the air and won’t get lost.
Everything seems to have adapted to the environment here, and it doesn’t make an occasional snapping sound. It’s that birds are panicked by snakes. It seems that every animal here has spirituality. Lin Luo feels that he is stared at by several pairs of eyes in the jungle.
After walking for a long time, Lin Luo still hasn’t found the monster beast, so this should belong to the outer edge of Wuyun Forest, where the monster beast has been slaughtered clean.
Broken sword laments a pair of Lin Luodao: "If it’s not just about hunting monsters, this dark cloud forest is also the best place to practice. The jungle is filled with fresh aura. This is a natural oxygen bar. The life and strength of plants and animals here are far beyond other places."
Lin Luo suddenly became interested when he heard this. "Old Yun, do you know if there is any spiritual pulse here? If there is a spiritual pulse bigger than the abode of fairies and immortals, I will practice here!"
Yunxiao grunted, "You Yunfu Mountain is a Lingshan. There are spiritual veins everywhere. The aura here is kept by the jungle for years. This jungle is the aura place, but it is not as pure and easy to absorb as the spiritual spring in the abode of fairies and immortals. Generally, mighty people will choose this place to practice because they can control the powerful spiritual force and wave their hands to borrow the aura from this land."
Lin Luo nodded and added, "Old Cloud, are there many monsters here? We haven’t found one after walking for so long. "
Fortunately, there is a broken sword to chat with Lin Luo, otherwise it is really difficult for him to adapt to such a lonely environment, so Lin Luo has a team, that is, Yunxiao and him, and this teammate is not a pig but a knowledgeable person.
Yunxiao paused for a long time before slowly saying, "I don’t know, but according to what you said, there are monsters outside Wuyun Forest and it attacked your friend Xu Douluo. I want to tell you that there are more monsters here than there are 3,000 years ago, there were almost no monsters around Wuyun Forest, and occasionally one of them came here by mistake. At that time, the obstacle was not set up in Wuyun Forest. I mean, this Wuyun Forest became very unusual!"
Lin Luo was about to speak when suddenly the sky said, "Lin Luo, get out of here!"
The words in the sky were extremely urgent, and Lin Luo was alert and dodged to see a green light passing by his side. Lin Luo saw the green light with a clot of eyes.
Chapter 35 kill the wolf
"It’s the wind blade wolf!" Yunxiao sound Lin Luo sounded in my mind.
Lin Luo snorted, "I know that I know all about the monster beast that may appear in this dark cloud forest!" Lin Luo looked at the wolf with a wry smile in front of him, and his luck was too good.
Yes, indeed, Lin Luo is lucky. Today, there are about ten teams coming to Wuyun Forest to hunt monsters. Although it is not very close, Lin Luo met this wind blade wolf. Perhaps the wind blade wolf bullied Lin Luo and thought bitterly.
Once the word "or" appears, the potential of this monster beast is not so good, because he will die, that is, the latter level generally stays at the former level. Obviously, this size is not big, and the wind blade wolf is a first-level monster beast, which is not difficult for Lin Luo, but it will not be easy because of the speed of the wind blade wolf.
Wind blade wolf all the wind is named because it is extremely fast and can follow the wind. Compared with other wind blade wolves, one feature of the wind blade wolf is that its tail is as sharp as a knife, especially its curved curvature and hardness really deserve the word blade.
The wind blade wolf staggered his teeth and stared at the green eyes. Lin Luoshi’s mouth overflowed with a glimmer of crystal water. The monk opposite was a gas refining monk. The wind blade wolf was absolutely sure that he could kill this monk. His legs were slightly bent and his sharp claws penetrated the rotten leaves.
When Lin Luo was secretly on guard, the wind blade wolf flew like a green light, and it went straight to Lin Luo’s chest like a shuttle, moving so fast that it didn’t even roar. This really won.
Lin Luo dodged in a hurry, but then there was a chill in his heart. It turned out that the wind blade wolf’s tail followed the body and swept in. The tail was like a knife. Lin Luo had no doubt that his own limbs could be protected by this tail sweep, but Lin Luo didn’t panic for many years. Great nerves have created his calm spirit. Lin Luo will break the sword and cross his chest to block the wind blade wolf’s tail.
The wind blade wolf fell to the ground with a miserable cry. A pair of spiritual eyes looked at his tail, and his eyes were full of flames. Just now, the wind blade wolf’s tail was broken, and half of it was even pulled, but its momentum soared again.
Lin Luo broke the sword and communicated with the sky.
"Old cloud, you are so hard, I am still vulnerable to you! Unexpectedly, the wind blade and the wolf’s tail resisted! So you are not a waste! "
Yunxiao swore, "You underestimate me. When I was refined in those years, the whole Xuanwu country ranked among the top ten magic weapons, but it took only two thousand years for the iron to be cast and my spirit to fall asleep. If you have a spirit, it will not decay for ten thousand years. Even so, my sword body is still comparable to the three-spirit sword. If it is nourished by my spirit, it is still possible to rise to the six-spirit sword again."
Lin Luo opened his eyes wide. It turned out that the broken sword in his hand was not just a broken sword, but a three-spirit sword. When Lin Luo was surprised, he heard the wind blade wolf roar again and leap over again.
Lin Luo took a sword in his hand, the momentum rose sharply, and he drank heavily. At this time, the wind blade wolf seemed to be angry and silly, and he didn’t dodge straight towards himself. Even the sword in his hand didn’t matter to Lin Luo. Suddenly, his eyes glanced at the wind blade wolf’s eyes and his eyes showed sly eyes. Suddenly, Lin Luo was alert and remembered what Xu Douluo had said to him. He quickly withdrew his sword and kicked the giant tree to one side. Indeed, Lin Luo evacuated kung fu. The wind blade wolf suddenly seemed to be two phantoms. Fortunately, Lin Luo was ready to attack the wind blade wolf
Lin Luo surprised out in a cold sweat. This trick is the wind blade wolf’s famous stunt. When the speed is fast enough, there will be a phantom. However, according to the monster beast’s body and spiritual strength, the two are already the extreme wind blade wolves. It is said that the wind blade wolf king can weather three phantoms.
The wind blade wolf can’t strike and roar again and again, ready for an attack
Lin Luo’s face is dignified. This evasion just now is the result of his own experience. If he hadn’t used his quick wits just now, his body would have been hit hard by the wind blade wolf. This shows that experience is very important. No wonder it is said that it is Wan Li or Yunxiao.
This wind blade wolf skin is too thick and fast. It seems to be a charm! Lin Luo used his head.
A piercing roar of the wind blade Wolf once again rushed to this time, but Lin Luo didn’t dodge. Two spirits flashed in his hand, but he didn’t dodge. Although he sensed that the charm was not weak, the spirit force was not weak, but it didn’t cause the wind blade Wolf to be alert. Then the wind blade Wolf’s eyes widened and there was a panic expression. See that the charm instantly turned into a fire blade. At this time, the wind blade Wolf couldn’t dodge to meet his head.
The blade of fire is transformed into a blade of fire, and it breaks into a little bit of fire. The wolf with the blade of wind takes a few steps with a roar, falls to the ground, twitches a few times and stops moving.
Lin Luo exultation oneself just a fire blade operator will extinguish this level monster beast wind blade Wolf is beyond his expectation to have some hands and feet.
Lin Luo broke the sword and cut the wolf’s tail to the wind blade wolf. The most valuable thing about the wind blade wolf is that the root of the third-level monster beast of this tail did not form a demon. Dan can intercept the body parts of the wind blade wolf and sell them at a high price.
Lin Luo holds the wolf’s tail and can’t help but sigh that the broken sword belongs to the three-spirit sword, but the wolf’s tail is split outside the vertebra. He is not damaged. No wonder many shops buy this wolf’s tail as a spirit whip. This wolf’s tail is quite hard, but it’s a little difficult to make it up. Few people in ten weapons make the whip less expensive, otherwise this wolf’s tail can be worth five pieces of spirit stones, which has surpassed the price of many first-class monster beasts.
Put the wolf’s tail in the bag. Lin Luo continued on his way. Although he was lucky enough to win this time, he mainly relied on the charm. If there was no charm, Lin Luo’s realistic force method alone defeated the wind blade wolf, which made Lin Luo have a further understanding of the power of the charm.
Lin Luo moved on, but this time he was much more cautious. He lurked for a long time before leaving to hide his breath. This is what Lin Luo needs to learn. Although he hid himself just now, he was first discovered. According to Yunxiao, this should be the reason why his breath was missed. What is breath? How to hide it is to practice it in his own environment. This is also called experience.
"Wrong!" Yunxiao shouted, "No, it’s not hiding your head and ass, even if it’s hiding, it’s really hiding your breath, and hiding your body is the lowest hiding method!" "
Lin Luo blushed and squatted on her hips and suddenly said, "Would it be better if I were invisible?"
Yunxiao Road: "Invisibility symbols can only be truly invisible if they are not overhauled. It is very different to repair them, but you can find your invisibility by missing breath. But if you can learn to restrain your breath, it will be different. Even if you are three stories taller than you, you can be detected. This is the so-called hidden breath."
"But how can I not be found if I hide?" Lin Luo is confused. The more he practices, the more he feels abstruse. No wonder the monk’s road to practice is so difficult.
Yunxiao Hehe smiled. "Speaking of this, I am very familiar with this floating cloud. I have written a book called" Hiding ".I wanted to teach you after you built the foundation, but since you remember this, I will tell you."
"Oh?" Lin Luo immediately to the interest way "this Yunfu sutra depository? I must see it when I have the chance. "
Yunxiao said, "This is the Sutra Pavilion, but you can’t understand it yourself. It’s very abstruse and limited. Only elders and monks can read it, even if they read it, they can’t understand it." Yunxiao’s mouth is full of ridicule.
"Because the clouds often talked to me about this kind of knowledge when they were floating, some of the esoteric and difficult stories in" Hiding Techniques "are all white, which means I can explain them to you directly in more common language." At this time, Yunxiao has become a Kan Kan and a master of talking. "First of all, hiding your breath is to hide yourself, such as hiding and repairing, that is, to converge your aura. Spiritual power will be inadvertently emitted as you walk, especially when you attack and defend. If you can converge your aura, it will be greatly reduced. The second chance of discovery is to blend in with the environment. Every environment has a specific smell. For example, most of the forests have wood properties, and most of the oceans have water properties. Craters have fire properties, and so on. And every environmental smell is very different. If you can blend in with the environment and then converge on your own breath, you can reach the highest level of invisibility requirements, that is, entering the world without yourself. "
Chapter 36 Lin Luo nu
To tell the truth, Lin Luo seems to have returned to the philosophy class in the past life. What entered the world without himself and what integrated into the environment seems to be far away from him. However, Lin Luo thinks that the world he is in has surpassed his imagination, but there are also strange remarks in the world.
Yunxiao Road: "I’ll tell you a formula. You should practice convergence first. Breath overflows because pneumatic and pneumatic are in harmony with the spirit and stagnate in the purple sea. These formulas are convergence of your own breath. You can understand these words. If the difference is less than two grades, you can hide in the environment and wait until you have your own domain."
Lin Luo silently remembered Yunxiao’s formula and then listened to Yunxiao’s explanation. Sure enough, he felt different. The most obvious difference is that some insects seem to feel equal to them when they see themselves.
Lin Luo’s progress has surprised the sky again. This short wick of incense kung fu has surpassed others’ training for several months. Do you want to go to the sky or attribute the credit to Lin Luo’s strong spirit like a scribbler? I also joked that Lin Luo’s spirit is too strong to belong to this world. This makes Lin Luo feel that he is from another world. Is his spirit really different from ordinary people?
I don’t know whether it was because I didn’t meet the wind blade wolf or the breath reason that I never met the monster beast all the way. Even the low-level monster beast didn’t see it. Lin Luo was thinking of finding a place to rest in the dark cloud forest or returning to Qianzhangfeng. Suddenly, when Lin Luo was stunned, his spirit and broken sword were interrelated, and he immediately felt a breath. This breath came from the north side. Lin Luo quickly found a hidden place to hide, and his body breath converged. Lin Luo, a shrub weed in the forest, disappeared as soon as he was short.
After a while, four people came furtively on the north side.
"Hey? No, here I just noticed that there is a weak breath here … "A feminine male voice whispered.
Then another stereo started, "Hum, I’m not afraid I can’t find him if I want him to come in the dark cloud forest."
Ambush under the grass Lin Luo heart a shock this voice he is familiar with, but it is crooked neck Zheng Zhou Lin Luo heart sink to breath is not leak want to listen to the dialogue between four people.
"Brother Liu, you feel much more sensitive than us during the foundation period, and according to the route, the surname Lin can walk here, but could it be a monster?" A person slowly way
Brother Liu, a feminine man, said, "It’s possible. Let’s keep looking for this Lin, don’t you think, Brother Zheng?"
Zheng Zhou cold hum a "of course, the dark clouds forest is the best chance. Lin died here in vain. Even if his body is found, it will be killed by the monster beast. What’s worse, his body will never know where it will be taken by the wind blade wolf or his monster beast. Haha …"
"Ha ha ha ….." More than three people also burst out laughing.
Brother Liu added, "Master didn’t really tell us that he would kill Lin Luo if he knew …" Brother Liu hesitated. After all, this is killing people. According to the rules, it is the death penalty in the year.
Zheng Zhou hey hey a crafty smile way "my uncle mean how can you guess! Of course, he won’t say that it’s up to us to figure it out. At the beginning, Lin Luo repeatedly spoke insolently to my uncle, who had long been dissatisfied with him. He didn’t have a chance to get rid of him. Just that Xu Douluo was my uncle’s instigation, and Zhou Wencai, the elder of the East Palace, sent Xu Douluo to Wuyungu for a month, and then he lost an arm. However, the puppy was lucky enough to break through into a foundation period, which was also a cripple. This time, my uncle once said that if we met Lin, you’re welcome ..
"Oh?" Brother Liu, a feminine man, said with surprise, "Has Master been to this?"
Zheng Zhou said, "Of course, if Brother Liu makes a contribution to this matter, hey hey, it will definitely be favored by my uncle. It is not impossible to get a good position and get spiritual guidance."
Brother Liu became firm when he heard the words. "Brother Zheng, how can we be apprentices? Besides, Brother Zheng has been wronged. How can I stand by and rest assured that Brother Zheng will see how your brother deals with him when we find the surname Lin?"
Lin Luo couldn’t help but despise this brother Liu, who is also an apple polisher. With master’s acquiescence, Lin Luo is naturally willing to take this job. However, it is a chill and instant flow, and he turns around and kills his classmates. This shows how far Yunfu Zong has fallen!
Zheng Zhou went on to say, "Good Brother Liu is loyal to Uncle Liu, and I will definitely report it to Uncle Liu. Let’s go. It is estimated that Linluo is not far away, so there are not many opportunities around here, especially the chance of being alone!"
The footsteps of the four people gradually faded away, and soon they could not hear the ring and fell into silence around them.
But Lin Luo, who was hiding in the grass, didn’t dare to make any noise. Brother Liu was very tall and seemed to have a domain, which made Lin Luo have to be careful.
The so-called domain can only have the singular perception ability in the foundation period, or is it naturally derived from the increase of the absorption ability of reiki liquid in the purple sea to balance the environmental ability? The domain is the primary performance domain, and there are two differences between the domain and the domain. One domain can not control the surrounding environment, but the second domain can be larger than the domain.

"We can’t say that we didn’t take it personally. Do you mean please don’t stop us?"

"Well, I won’t stop you."
Wei Youfang saw that the soldier still had something to say, but he deliberately pretended that things had been completed and nodded to him, leaving his heart but silently counting.
One two three
"Wait, I have something to say." The soldier stopped Wei Youfang
"oh? Is there anything else? "
"Can I join your team?"
Wei Youfang couldn’t help but smile and master everything.
"Well," Wei Youfang made a difficult expression. "I also said that it’s not like this. I’ll ask them now and believe that they will give me some noodles. Please pay attention to it and recognize your own people."
"Thank you very much."
Wei Youfang nodded away.
Then another person was chosen in the crowd.
"I need your help."
"Tell me about it. I may not agree."
"So see the wizard in a hat? Our private team is ready to push him out first. I didn’t come here to ask you for help, but to ask you not to stop us then. Our goal now is not you. Don’t make mistakes. "With the first successful case, Wei Youfang’s words are full of confidence at this time.
"How dare you talk to me like this? Who do I help or not?" The man said he was very generous, but Wei Youfang read that he was a bully.
Wei Youfang naturally won’t be tough. "Of course, I may be a little blunt, but that’s the truth. You know how many sessions this is. After all, one person’s promotion is not the opposite, and we have to eliminate a few ourselves."
"Well, then I won’t get in your way. Can you promise not to get in my way?"
"Yes, of course, I can." Wei Youfang readily promised that there seemed to be no thinking when there was an answer.
And the more so, the more the man doesn’t believe it.
"no! You’re lying to me. I won’t help you if you can’t promise not to fight me. "
"It’s difficult for Wei Youfang." It’s a bit difficult. You know, there are five people in our team in total, and there are two undercover people in the opposite knight camp. "
"Isn’t there a quota? So let me join you. You can rest assured that you will not betray me. First, I will listen to you. "
"Well, I’ll talk to them, but what you have to do is not to stop you, but to make efforts."
"That’s natural. That’s the man you just pointed to, right? When the time comes, you order me to shoot, and I won’t lose the chain."
Wei Youfang nodded and left.
In this way, Wei Youfang picked out three guys who didn’t like it, and the rest turned around and became his teammates.
Chapter one hundred and twenty-six Fisherman’s profit
Since it is natural to play a little bigger, how can Wei Youfang just limit the number of people to his side?
Wei Youfang came to a guy who looks like a punishment knight.
"Hello, sir," replied the knight, much more polite than Wei Youfang.
"I know that knights are all followers of justice. I hope you can do me a favor," Wei Youfang said sincerely
"Please tell me, sir. We can discuss anything that goes against chivalry except letting me release water on you in the game." The knight is not rigid and walked over and joked with Wei Youfang.
"Well, Mr. Knight, the usual rule of our big fight is that the warrior mage alliance is against the knight and the remote physics alliance, right?" Wei Youfang said
"Yes, what’s the matter? Isn’t this always the rule? " Knight face is very confused, I don’t know what Wei Youfang is going to say.
"What’s the matter? Mr knight, you disappoint me! I think you will be angry because it violates your pursuit and justice, but I didn’t expect you to be so indifferent! " Wei Youfang looked indignant.
"Sir, please don’t get excited, and please respect yourself and don’t insult my pursuit of justice." The knight looked stupid, but when it comes to justice and the pursuit of justice, the knight’s face was awed.
I’m sorry, I’m so excited that I can’t see that I have always respected the knight and should be indifferent to such unfair things. I apologize on my own impulse, but I won’t take back my words.
"oh? Is this unfair? Isn’t it fair to have two two combination for twenty people and four occupations? "
"Mr. Knight, I didn’t expect you to be so shallow." Wei Youfang’s words were very impolite. "With all due respect, you are so stupid."
Please watch your language, sir. If you do this again, I don’t think we can continue our conversation.
A knight is a knight. If you put someone else aside, you may have cursed by now.
"Mr. Knight, I’m sorry that I was so emotional that I didn’t use the right words. Please forgive me."
"I’m willing to forgive you again. I hope you can explain clearly what you mean by unfairness?"
Wei Youfang took a few deep breaths and pretended to calm his mood, then said
"Mr. Fair Knight, do you think the rules of the game are fair?"
"But no matter what the rules are, he is made by the alliance. We don’t need to question this," the knight reached.
"I’m so disappointed! Mr. Knight’s attitude really disappoints me! " Wei Youfang once again broke out, "I can accept this sentence if others say it. I didn’t think Mr. Knight, who is the most pursuing justice, would say this!"
"Others can ignore it, but can knights ignore it when they see injustice?"
"We all participate in this competition for places in order to be better ourselves, but we can’t forget that everyone should remember fairness and justice."
"The fairest way to have a quota is naturally to choose the strongest player in every five-person competition, and then the four strongest players will win the competition to obtain this precious quota."
"But I’m not the top of the league, and I can’t suggest it. I’m not not doing it, but I can’t." At first glance, the knight felt that it was such a good idea, but he made an excuse for himself.
"You don’t deserve to be a knight!" Wei Youfang is like eating explosives. "Even the most basic justice persistence and perseverance are not hindered by difficulties and obstacles. If you stop pursuing justice, you are not a real knight!"
After listening to Wei Youfang’s second sentence, the knight who wanted to get angry was lost in thought for an instant.
"The rules are wrong. We naturally have to fight! Instead of silently saying that I can’t do it, I can’t help it! "
Wei Youfang’s words seemed to be a knight. He suddenly raised his head and bowed to Wei Youfang.
"Thank you, you are a real knight. I was wrong. I will go to the top of the alliance now and I will protest to them!" The knight said, his eyes were red and he seemed to be possessed and was about to rush out of the stadium.
Wei Youfang hurriedly stopped him.
"Mr Knight, you don’t do that! I want your help, but I don’t want you to pay for your future. "
"Then what can you do?" Knight was Wei Youfang so a broken mind back to some.
"What we have to do is not to choose the strongest and the last four people to enter the finals for fair competition? Although we can’t change the rules, we can make the final result meet this standard by controlling the game. "
"oh? How to control the game specifically? "
"It depends on Mr. Knight. You need to ensure that the rest of the knights will be as full of justice as you are and have unremitting pursuit of justice."
"Of course I can guarantee this. I believe I can speak them."
"Since the rules of the game don’t allow us to control it ourselves, first of all, we want to make sure that five knights and three of them each get the first place in the rough fight. I’ll tell you about this specific way later, and then when we enter the second four, all three of you will give up when you meet him, and then the knight department will play the game, so that no matter how we play the last four, we can ensure that each of us has someone."
"Right, but first of all, you, me and my teammates are only six people. We can’t control the game, and how can we be sure that the three of you are the best?"
"You don’t have to worry about this. I’m not alone. I’ll try to reduce our number to five. I have a companion. In the end, we’ll fight three."
"a? It should be seven? "
"Don’t forget that we have to leave one for the remote physics profession."
"Oh no, that’s not you and your partner? How can we be sure that you are the best in each of you? "
"Of course, we are not the strongest, but we are the most willing to sacrifice fairness and justice. We are not going to get that quota. We will leave that quota to the winner of your five knights."
"This how line? Wouldn’t that be unfair? Why do you do this? "
"In pursuit of fairness, someone will naturally sacrifice something. We have achieved real fairness in this session. What we want to do is for the latecomers to let the knight win. We hope that the justice knight can achieve better development in the general hospital and finally form an alliance. Only with words can he be able to change this unfair phenomenon. We are willing to sacrifice this."
Chapter one hundred and twenty-seven Finals
Looking at the redness of the eyes, I was moved to sob to find my partner. Knight Wei Youfang felt guilty in his heart.
You can’t be bullied. Wei Youfang feels that he has gone too far, but think that if he doesn’t do this, he will be bullied.

This is only an estimate of the number of enemy casualties, because it is difficult to count enemy casualties on the battlefield, so it is much more accurate to say that the number of casualties in the third town itself is probably the same.

Fang Biyong continued, "Our army has been fighting for more than a month since it entered the country. At present, a total of 220 people have been killed and 170 injured!"
Zhao Dongyun listened to this casualty figure and secretly estimated the casualty contrast in his heart. He felt that this data was relatively objective, and the sixth town across the street relied on fortifications for defense, but his casualty rate was still smaller than that of the other party. This means that the troops did not attack blindly at the grassroots level, but gave full play to tactics such as mortars and circuitous maneuvers.
Of course, this is also related to the low casualty rate of Beiyang troops. Although the sixth town only lost more than 1,000 casualties, it retreated, but the total number of people in the sixth town was only 12,300. Even if some temporary recruits were strengthened, the number of soldiers would not exceed 15,000. Now the casualty ratio has exceeded 10%.
And this casualty ratio is quite good for an army that relies on personal loyalty and reimbursement to maintain modernization!
Chapter two hundred and one Drastic changes
The contemporary Beiyang Army, whether it is a few towns in Yunshou, Zhao Dong or other people’s troops, is almost loyal to the modernization of military leaders. The feudal army is armed with the beliefs of countries and nations in western powers, and the modernization of the national army is on a par with France.
This gap can not be changed by Zhao Dongyun personally, but is the limitation of contemporary China.
Zhao Dong’s standing army is stronger than other warlords. It’s not a military belief or ideology. What’s stronger is the concept of equipment and tactics.
Even Zhao Dongyun’s troops will not be much better than the sixth town in Wang Shizhen when the casualty rate exceeds 10%.
But Zhao Dongyun won’t let his troops cause so many casualties!
This month’s general assault only killed nearly a thousand people, more than 20 thousand people, and the casualty rate is only 5%, which Zhao Dongyun can afford.
"Well casualties troops complement can be smooth? When will it be completed? " Zhao Dongyun won’t let his troops fight less and less. At the same time, many conscripts in the rear are also recruiting. Several boot camps are also nervously training new recruits!
PricewaterhouseCoopers "I have urged Jinzhou, but recently a batch of recruits will have to wait two days to arrive!" Most of the former soldiers have been added to two mixed associations! "
Zhao Dongyun listened and frowned. "The speed of recruitment is still far from enough for Wang Zhanyuan to continue to expand the scale of recruitment. It is not only the recruitment of soldiers in Fengtian Province, Heilongjiang Province and Jilin Mongolia, but also the recruitment of soldiers. In addition, we will control the eastern part of Zhili and also show corresponding recruiters!"
It’s a time of war, and the more troops there are, the better. It’s better to say that we can’t afford to keep so many troops. Anyway, the more troops we have now, the better.
However, it is still quite tense at present, because the training of recruits is also needed, even when it is recompressed, it takes less than one month. If this situation is less, Zhao Dongyun can’t expect many recruits to supplement him for a month or two.
If all goes well, the timetable for the expansion of Zhao Dong Yunshou Army will be one month later. At that time, large-scale recruitment of new soldiers will be completed in early October, and then the basic training will be added to various units, which will greatly increase the number of active troops.
Zhao Dongyun was not alone in this military expansion. Since Yuan Shikai’s assassination in early October, almost all the generals in Beiyang have been doing the same thing, that is, the governors in the south have also expanded their troops by accident, but the scale and speed are not as exaggerated as those of Beiyang generals.
For example, Zhao Dongyun has set up two new hybrid associations, but Wang Yingjie also relies on the basis of staying in Tianjin Horse Factory, and then plans to expand a hybrid association called the first hybrid association of Beiyang Standing Army.
Duan Qirui is not to be outdone, but also drafted a standard foundation and then established the so-called Beiyang Standing Army Second Hybrid Association.
Even Wang Shizhen and Feng Guozhang expanded their armies, and Wang Shizhen created a supplementary association for the sixth town. Although Feng Guozhang didn’t get the association number, he made up two new reserve marks for the first town, and then set about establishing the Guards.
However, the expansion of these troops has not yet been formally compiled, and even the paper data is not enough. At present, they can fight or become old troops a few years ago.
However, even relying on the former old army, Zhao Dongyun is confident to enter the capital and then drive Guangxu out of the throne. At present, the smooth progress of Tongzhou, the third town, has already shown this.
However, he didn’t know it was his performance in Tongzhou, the third town, which attracted Wang Yingkai’s attention!
"He Zhao Dong cloud hand soldiers can really fight. It took a long time to fight Tongzhou, but it was a thousand people who took Tongzhou, and there were more casualties in the sixth town than them!" Wang Yingjie frowned.
On the surface, Zhao Dongyun seems to be very beneficial to himself, but it’s not a good thing for Wang Yingjie, because everyone knows that after killing the Qing Dynasty, someone will always be promoted as president, and then Wang Duan and Zhao will have to compete!
"Besides, I heard that his newly compiled fourth mixed association has also arrived in Shanhai. If something happens, I’m afraid this mixed association can enter at any time!" The person next to you said so.
After listening, Wang Yingjie frowned even more!
Although Beiyang Li claims that he has the greatest prestige and has gathered many aides and talents in Yuan Shikai’s era, Beiyang is not a purely political group, but a dependent army, and the number of troops in his hands is a direct manifestation of his strength.
He Wang Yingkai’s hand directly controls the troops, that is, the first town. Although Zhang Huaizhi still maintains some respect for himself, he has left his family, that is, at most, he is a political ally. And now Zhang Huaizhi leads the fifth town and the first town to oppose each other, which has blocked the 29th Hunchengxie Association in the second town of Li Yuanhong.
So Wang Yingkai can’t say what can be to continue to woo Zhang Huaizhi.
However, even if Zhang Huaizhi is added, even if he is added to the newly established Beiyang Standing Army First Hybrid Association, he can only rely on more than 30,000 people in two towns and one association. However, Zhao Dongyun supported the army before the war, and now he has set up a cavalry association and two hybrid associations.
This means that the total strength of the three towns and three associations is at least 50 thousand to 60 thousand
This force is not as tall as Zhao Dongyun’s, but now I hear that Zhao Dongyun’s troops can beat themselves and Duan Qirui took Tongzhou before they failed to conquer Nanyuan, which makes Wang Yingjie even more concerned.
Wang Duan-Zhao alliance is a very fragile alliance from beginning to end. It can be said that Wang Duan-Zhao all know that it is inevitable for three people to fight after killing Manchu in the future. Now it is inevitable that Wang Yingkai is worried about the growth of Zhao Dong Cloud’s strength.
"It seems that the pace of our army expansion is not fast enough. Now it is far from enough to establish a first mixed association. So go to Japanese people again and ask them if ordnance can be cheaper!" Wang Yingkai frowned and then bit his teeth. "Let someone go to the fourth town and tell the surname Duan Hefei that I want to meet and talk with him!"
The situation outside the city is chaotic, and the situation in Jingshi City is also quite bad!
"It’s been playing for almost a month, and the brothers have suffered heavy casualties. Adults can’t keep playing like this, otherwise our sixth town will be wiped out!"
Wang Shizhen is also a face of black lines in the face of complaints from the bottom. He really didn’t expect that the Tongzhou defense line was still good for the first half of the month. Although he dared not say that it was impregnable, he expected that Zhao Dongyun would have to kill three or five thousand people if he wanted to bring it less, but he didn’t expect that Zhao Dongyun had a circuitous attack, which forced him to give up Tongzhou voluntarily, and that the sixth town called him for more than half a month but suffered heavy casualties.
Casualties, captives and disappearances add up to more than 2,500 people lost in his sixth town. This is all his background. If all of them are dead, Wang Shizhen will become a bald commander.
Next to the families continue to cry, "Now the imperial court has set it to benefit us, and the benefits are not counted. Look at the number of casualties in his first town in Feng Guozhang." There weren’t many casualties in their side and the west root, but only a few hundred people were killed or injured, but our sixth town, yes, was Zhao Dongyun going there again! "
Wang Shizhen this time is also a cold hum a "that’s enough! Is it interesting to say these now? "
However, although he reprimanded the Ministry, many thoughts flashed through his mind!
Look at this situation now, it’s a ghost that the capital can hold it, even if the south and west can hold it, but it’s absolutely impossible for the east and north to rely on their own strength of 10 thousand people in a sixth town. It is estimated that they will have to fight for the sixth town, and the biggest possibility is that these departments will have to raise the anti-flag and betray themselves before they can fight for it.
It’s good to get a governor of Zhili if you can stop it. It is estimated that you can reproduce the style of yuangong in a few years.
However, the situation is much more serious than I expected. I can’t continue to fight. I have to find a way to stop fighting. Well, even if it is a truce, I have to get enough benefits to stop fighting!
Thinking of this, he just drove all his generals out, then called a confidant and soldier and whispered, "You will go out of town and go west to the first town tonight!"

When Zhao Guochen workers stopped talking, Li Chongjiu stepped into the hall, and all the ministers went on two knees and six knocks in parallel.

Although Li Chongjiu is the emperor, he has been busy with the expedition to Wang Shichong these days. The imperial system of Zhao has not yet been decided, but this worship etiquette has been implemented first.
The dragon robe has not been sewn yet. Li Chongjiu is still wearing the robe of the former Zhao Wang and hanging his sword to sit in the chair. This is the only way to say "stand up"
Zhao Wenwu ministers got up and sat on the futon in the temple.
This day is the big court meeting after the Yuan Dynasty, and all five officials of Zhao Guofan are.
Li Chongjiu’s eyes swept over the ministers and asked, "Li Tang intends to unite Goguryeo to attack us between Scylla and Charybdis. What do you think?"
Xue Wanche took the lead in saying, "Koguryo stands still on its laurels, and there are still enemies such as Silla Baekje in the east. I don’t think many troops will be drawn to attack the Liaodong border."
"Words can’t be said so absolutely," said Yang Linfu, the official department. "Goguryeo covets me. It’s not a day or two. This time, Tang gaozu promised to cede five counties to Goguryeo. I think someone in Goguryeo will covet it."
"What’s Zhang Aiqing’s opinion?" Li Chongjiu asked
Zhang Xuansu stroked his beard and mused, "Li Tang’s joint Koguryo is a distant close attack strategy. If we want to break Li Tang’s distant close attack strategy, we must also elbow Li Tang."
"From the beginning?"
Zhang Xuansu said, "Our army’s new Turks promised that we could bribe the Turkic leaders heavily and let them persuade Chu Luo to send troops to attack Longxi area and threaten Li Tangzhong."
Aside from Jichuan Road, "This is not true. Li Tang has long been on guard against the Turks. Li Tang made the famous minister Yang Gongren sit in the east of Longxi, Liangzhou, with Li Zhongwen as the manager, and too Li Jiancheng sat in Pujin Foot to fight against the Turks and Turks, and failed to dispatch 100,000 troops to break through the Li Tang defense line."
As he spoke, Yoshikawa looked at Zhang Xuansu Lee Chong-jiu’s confidant adviser. It was already a public secret that Yoshikawa and Zhang Xuansu were at odds. At the beginning of the establishment of Huaihuang Town, Yoshikawa was the longest minister to follow Lee Chong-jiu, but Zhang Xuansu’s later residence has made Yoshikawa an equal, which naturally made him unhappy.
It is a common practice for Li Chongjiu’s ministers to sing Zhang Xuansu’s anti-tune.
Zhang Xuansu said, "The Turks should be able to send troops to harass them. We should also mobilize the southern Xiao Xian, the northern part of our army, and the southern army to form a north-south joint attack potential."
"Pursuit" Zhang Xuansu bowed his head and said, "Xiao Huanghou is Xiao Xian’s uncle and aunt, and all of them are from Lan Ling’s Xiao family. We can contact Liang Guo to help each other to the south."
Jichuan said, "Xiao Xian’s self-care suspicion has killed general Dong Jingzhen and Zhang Xiu self-destructed the Great Wall. It is impossible for him to send troops to rescue Luoyang."
Pei Ju stepped forward and said, "I think it’s possible that Liang has four hundred thousand foot soldiers in Jingxiang and wants Liang to send troops from Jiangdu Jiangling to Xiangyang for ten days."
Zhang Xuansu said, "I’m not sure that Xiao Xian will send troops, but if I can send a partial division out of Jingxiang, I will put pressure on Tang Jun."
Li Chongjiu nodded and said, "When I know this matter, I will send a eloquent Taoist to Jingxiang to say Xiao Xian for me."
The words sound just fell and Yu Shinan dequeued and said, "I can try."
Yu Shinan has just finished saying that Ou Yangxun is not to be outdone. "I can also go with you if I am familiar with Jiangnan."
Li Chongjiu heard the words and said with a smile, "The two ministers are loyal and diligent. I know."
Speaking of this, Xue Wanshu said the first thing: "The eyes are freezing in the cold, and Beijing is dripping into ice. Our army has temporarily assisted Zheng in the south, but we must not sit back and watch Li Tang attack Luoyang for more than ten days."
Li Chongjiu nodded and said, "I have arranged for Yu Aiqing to send an envoy to Liang Guo for me to tell him that the two countries’ alliance will ask him to send troops from Jiangling to attack Xiangyang Xiangfan, which is an important place in Jingzhou. Once Li Tang’s water army goes downstream from Sichuan and Sichuan, it will send another one to attack Jiangling Liang Guowei from Xiangyang. Xiao Xian will carefully consider our opinions."
Speaking of which, Li Chongjiu looked at some lost Ou Yangxun’s way: "Ouyang Aiqing will go to Qi County to meet him for me when he heard that you are thin. Tell him that our army, Ke Rinan, has appointed his striker to lead an army of 10,000 in Tiger Prison."
Ou Yangxun listened to the power, "Wang Bo, who has repeatedly looked at Wang Bo in accordance with the minister, will find various excuses to shirk."
Li Chongjiu said, "If he prevaricates, tell Wang Bo that I will level Qi County as soon as I cross the Yellow River!"
Li Chongjiu is tough and powerful, and Ou Yangxun is the main road. "Nuoweichen will certainly live up to his mission."
Did Wen Aiqing, Meng Haigong and Xu Yuanlang answer us? "
Wen Yanbo said, "These two people are very polite to us, but they didn’t really say that they want to take refuge in our army. Obviously, they want Tang and Zhao to sit on the fence and wait and see."
"Well, if you give them a letter to appease them, just say that I, Zhao Junke, will stay put in Japan, and some day there will be a reward for them. The two of them are different from Wang Bo, who is not only strong in the army, but also temporarily beyond the reach of our army, which needs to be appeased."
Speaking of which, they discussed some details again. Finally, the Liaodong defense was carried out by the sudden record of Guo Xiaoke, and the Turkic defense was carried by Wang Junkuo Yinghe Fu.
Li Chongjiu came directly to Xiao Huanghou’s residence after retiring from the DPRK.
Xiao Huanghou said, "It must be important to come to see Ai’s family in person after you leave the DPRK."
Li Chongjiu said, "It is I who have decided to send troops to attack the Tang Dynasty. Now I want to unite the North and South of Liang, but I have no way to ask the Empress for help."
Xiao Huanghou smiled and said, "Xiao Xian’s grandfather is my father and brothers are all family. If you want his help, you will help you."
Li Chongjiu heard the words and said with great joy, "Thank you, Empress."
Xiao Huanghou smiled and said, "I’ll write to you if the family doesn’t say two words."

Chapter 52 Just positive (subscription)

"Not good! Flash! "
"Can’t flash!"
At this moment, two completely different camps appeared in the paladin.
The people close to Duke are Du Kean, and no one thinks that a mage should face a warrior head-on.
Wu Seer shout, however, is not flash.
What, because Duke’s figure in Wu Seer’s eyes coincides with Soladin the Great at this moment?
Just positive is a symbol of man’s romance and courage
If Duke defines himself as a mage, then he certainly has a reason to evade. A flash can solve all his personal problems.
If Duke wants to be a real leader, then Duke must not blink at Ogram’s blow, and he will lose the reason why everyone follows him …
What would Duke do?
The answer came out.
Duke pulled Wenleisha behind him with his left hand to avoid the female ranger who had no protection ability from the flame wave, while his right hand slowly pushed it out.
Even if the mage doesn’t have the slightest understanding of the mysterious field, the knights can clearly feel the crazy surge of magic in the atmosphere. Finally, the blue arcane energy crashes and condenses the entity, and a surge is enough to smash the whole underground into terror, and the momentum escapes from Duke’s hands and splashes in all directions.
The front is bright and blue, and Ogram throws it, and the "Hammer of Destruction" crashes into a piece.
It was almost an instant collision, and Wu Seer regretted it again
"Too lost! No way! Duke is going to lose! "
Duke’s explosion was just a mass of arcane energy, while Ogram’s explosion was a solid and half artifact.
Everyone has super strength. Generally speaking, of course, there is no entity to bear the loss.
But Duke’s clever understanding of power completely refreshed Wu Seer’s understanding of power.
From Duke, it was not a force.
Several arcane missiles formed a continuous light path, which poured like a milky way, and it seemed to speed up the drama by 1 million or 10 million times.
Simply hitting the power from the power Duke is stronger than the hammer from Ogram Ogram. The partial life has no stamina. Duke’s attack is like everything has a long history. The quality method shakes the other side but it is not too bad, and then it is directly remedied by quantity.
Moreover, it’s not a simple number of arcane missiles that Duke blasted out, but it also vaguely contains some kind of interval or rhythm, which continuously impacts and destroys the forward momentum and momentum of the "Destruction Hammer" …
Of course, everything happens in an instant, and it’s not amazing. People won’t find out that Duke lost first and then won.
Everyone saw that even the great chief Ogram’s hard blow did not shake Duke’s terrible momentum as if the law god were coming. When the two forces collided, the hammer of destruction failed to shake Duke’s magic and was defeated.
The destruction of the red flame was forcibly shattered, and the blue color of arcane energy became the only dominant color in this bloody battlefield.
In the twilight, it seems that the visual light and shadow residue is full of dense blue cracks when arcane energy bursts.
For half a second, the whole [Doom Hammer] stopped at the same time, was frozen in the middle, and then crashed back!
"good!" Not only the residual paladin, but also the warrior who just fought the dwarf.
This is not the end.
Duke suddenly put his left palm on his right arm.
Magic output is further enhanced.
All people are surprised that Duke has dumped all the magic parts that can mobilize himself at one time.
"boom! !”
The original arrow of arcane light has become a huge arcane light beam.
A beam of arcane light came like a comet crashing down and shooting into this long and wide passage, which instantly set off a tsunami of terror to the extreme.
The furious arcane power can set off layers of waves, and the overwhelming momentum is coming towards the orcs.
The speed of this arcane energy is not fast, but it can be clearly seen that this energy is comparable to the speed of arrows, and it continues to spread throughout the passage. Everything that touches this energy, such as walls, such as the ceiling of the cave, is inch by inch broken.
This force is like a black hole that devours everything and destroys everything it touches.
The first time I met this force, an orc commander’s burly huge body was swallowed up abruptly and gave a scream of pain to the extreme. After the whole body was blown to pieces, the remaining two hairy legs slumped to the ground.
The original Muradin was about to scold Duke for being unkind and even playing dwarf allies, but after seeing it clearly, Muradin smiled
Because the damage range of this arcane beam is impressively 1.7 meters high from the ground, no dwarf in the world is so high unless the dwarf dies and launches "God Fan" at this time.
In the face of this surging force, it hit at a high speed.
Every orc has two choices.
Or go hard like a brave orc.
Or lower your noble head and avoid it.
Just now Ogram asked Duke to make a choice and Duke sent it back after copying and pasting it.
Ogram hesitated!
Another life-and-death choice!
He can really tell himself,’ I’m a big chief. I should save my life, bow my head a little and reorganize the orcs and an aggressor. Even if we keep a mainland rule, we will succeed.’
But is it still a brave orc to do so?
Will those brave tribal warriors still regard him as tribal glory?
Orcs can bear defeat, orcs can die, but orcs will never allow cowardice!
"Ah, ah, ah, ah-"[The Hammer of Destruction] has long since flown away, so Ogram strode forward with a fist posture and blew out perhaps the last blow of his life.
Almost solidified at this moment.
Two burly figures suddenly stood in front of Ogram.
In less than a tenth of a second, the first figure was suddenly hit by arcane energy. Ogram could clearly see that the orc’s body collapsed inch by inch and was immediately smashed.
And the second one, much bigger than the orc, was slammed by Duke’s power and crashed into Ogram’s side, deeply embedded in the cave wall.
At this time, the arcane power was weakened before it fell to Ogram … To be continued.
Chapter 521 Victory! (subscription)
No orc knows what Duke will become so strong.
With the rise of Duke’s status, there is really no big man in the tribe who has fought Duke head-on and can come back without dying.
And Ogram’s understanding of Duke still stays in Stormwind. When he broke into Stormwind fortress, he directly fought that battle.
At that time, Duke gave Ogram the feeling that he wanted to give him more time to kill, but it was by no means a sense of irresistible force as it is now.
Even after twice weakening Ogram, he still managed to resist Duke’s power to strike Arcane.
Several times, the superposition of forces produced a shocking force, and Ogram swung out his fist and then led it to his body, which shocked his whole body and made him feel like he was about to collapse into dust in a moment.
Although Ogram has been through many battles, he can be sure that he won’t die in this blow, and he will be seriously injured at most, but the frustration that even Duke’s bean sprout-shaped opponent can’t get it makes Ogram feel sad at the end of his hero.
At that moment, he recognized that at the front of his block was Cashdrak, the chief of the Black Scar clan.
The second is that the whole tribe once despised the half-blood orc hero Lexar, an orc ogre half-blood, who was bigger and burlier than the orcs.
And at the last moment, these two heroes protected their big chief with their bodies.
"So I’m weak enough to need protection?" Ogram said to himself, this feeling is so desolate …
Then the attack made the big chief feel terrible pain, and then it was black in front of him.
"Big chief! ?” All orcs, every chief, uttered the same exclamation.
What is a leader?
A leader is a group, the backbone is an individual soul and backbone.

Even for the great natural disaster army, it is a big strength rise.

Before he left for Alsace, he removed the ice wall around the Natural Disaster City, hoping to further pollute the surrounding environment.
Ready, Duke quickly transferred the Red Dragon Army to burn the whole natural disaster city together with the plague into white land.
The battle ended on March 15th.
The aftermath is still fermenting.
"What? You said that the alliance seemed to be ready to send a mechanical dwarf who would not be caught in the plague into the natural disaster city, and then everyone in our side found that the alliance had lost its bag? " After Ogrima received the report, Sal clenched his fist vigorously.
Maybe there is
More is uneasy and confused!
As soon as I turned around, Sal’s tall body had moved towards the magic mirror image, where a giant magician Ma, who was responsible for linking with the Alliance Command, bowed to Sal.
Trolls are also the ancestors of Arihoshi night elves, and they are also qualified in Arihoshi. However, there are not many trolls with mage qualifications among the dark spear trolls in Woking, and the lack of magical texts makes giant magicians even rarer
However, with the annihilation of the Forgotten Legion, which has virtually taken control of the new undercity, Varimathras, the dread Lord, announced that he has joined the Scourge, and the Forgotten Mage has actually been forced to be separated from the tribal battle sequence.
There are actually less than 1000 forgotten people left in the tribe
Giant wizards are generally not so strong that they don’t even have a name, Master Huiyue.
I can make do now.
Sal sighed and was about to open his mouth when he suddenly heard Wojin coming from behind.
"Chief, do you want to confront Duke?"
Sal didn’t turn his head, but his stalwart back pointed at Woking. "Yes! That’s right! I just can’t swallow this tone. I’m going to ask Duke what he wants to do. Now that he has discovered that the tribe is hiding plague weapons, he can tell me! "
Woking’s deep voice shows that his mood is also quite low. "So what if you don’t ask?" It will make the alliance and the tribe finally bridge the rift and further expand the big chief. The reason for his doing this is that an alliance is an alliance and a tribe is a tribe. "
Sal seemed to be struck by thunder, and he was frozen all over. Soon, his mouth was full of sharp teeth, and Barry was full of bitterness.
Woking is indeed a man of great wisdom.
He clicked on the key in one sentence.
Even after ten years of relative friendship and peaceful cooperation, we have completely eliminated the barriers between us.
Allies and tribes are now allies, but these two behemoths are also two multi-ethnic joint regimes that have had brutal wars and have different interests.
The alliance has made so many concessions that even sal, the big chief, is a little paralyzed. Many times, he forgets that he once hated unhappiness and wishes that this peace can last forever.
This time, don’t ask, don’t ask, it must be the alliance that defends the tribe. Duke suddenly ordered the withdrawal of Wali Anton’s army for Mimiron’s mechanical dwarf.
On the other hand, do you think that the tribe is not defending the alliance?
Recently, with the shortage of land resources and other problems, the voice of clamoring for alliance among tribes has not stopped, but it has become more and more fierce.
Dove Sal put out fires everywhere, but the more fires he put out, the more he put out.
Sal is simply exhausted.
Woking pointed out the key points of the problem, but knew that the problem was not equal to the solvable problem.
It is foreseeable that the contradiction will be even greater in the future.
Throughout the history of orcs, it is not difficult to find that orcs can also have babies. When there is a large population, they will expand abroad and beat up foreigners. Besides, there is really no place to expand, so many clans have disappeared from the long river of history
Orcs have been like this for billions of years.
Clear-headed Sal knows that this way of life is extremely dangerous.
The alliance is far superior to the tribal behemoth in strength. Since the Second Dark Gate War, the alliance has not waged war against the tribe, not because it doesn’t want to, but because there are stronger foreign enemies, such as Duke, a wise leader, who is holding back the opposition.
Once the war is lit, the alliance will probably not be burned to death, but the tribe will definitely be destroyed
Salli maintains this fragile balance and tries to keep peace with the alliance. If those orcs don’t keep doing things without thinking, then …
Sal didn’t dare to go.
In the end, Sal was discouraged. "Wojin informed Duke for me that the tribal expeditionary force was badly hit and needed to rest in place for a long time, hoping to make a good supply response."
"White" Woking humbly caressed his chest with one hand and bowed to Sal.
But he saw the figure of the big chief become more lonely.
In front of the frozen throne at the same time
A burly one, a thin one, two figures with horrible dark energy fluctuations, so they crawled in front of the high white throne.
The Lich King’s treble floated from the top of the throne. "Don’t you live in Anast?"
Once the king of the sun shook violently, and after all, a "dare not" was suppressed between his teeth.
"Hehe, don’t you dare?" Accompanied by the cold sound, the palm print that branded the right face of the Sun King suddenly became dark as ink. It was dark black, but it emitted a burning pain more than the fiery soul. Anast rolled peacefully.
"Ah ah ah!"
The body of the Chapter 165 The Big Death King of the Sun (1 more)
After a scream, the Alsace voice floated again. "Ask again if you dare or not."
Dare not is dare to be angry and dare not speak.
Is it not face to face?

Now this guy is really miserable. Tan Sui, the great elder, also had a fairy device, and he lost it when he attacked the Xu family. Now he has a multiplier sword in his hand.

Bang bang—
Xu Ren’s attack directly broke through the man’s defense, forcing the man to meet with a sword in his hand. However, although the strength of the two men after the merger of 2001 was still not up to the level of Tan Suisheng, it was not weak, but it successfully resolved Xu Ren’s offensive.
Xu Ren didn’t succeed once, and he was not discouraged. He directly waved Xinghai sword and launched a more violent attack.
Chapter three hundred and ninety-four Struggle deep in the soul
In the face of Xu Ren’s attack, Tan Sui and Lu Xin joined together and a monk rose up to resist. Although their current state is bad enough, they are still alive. Today, if he can’t pass the hurdle of Xu Ren, they will end up dead. Moreover, because he is now two incomplete souls, even he can’t imagine what the result is after death. Anyway, it should not be too good. Whether he can enter reincarnation is also unknown.
"Don’t stubbornly resist. I’m afraid you two have killed many people since you got to this point. Are you going to continue to harm others?" Xu Ren said while attacking.
"I harm a person is not all you force me to harm a person if it weren’t for your injury is too heavy? Say harm to people should also be calculated to your head is that you harm talents "by Tan Sui and Lu Xin and a monk immediately roared after hearing Xu Ren’s words.
"You say this is unreasonable. Will you be hurt by me if you don’t go to the Xu family for trouble? Besides, I hurt Tan Sui, but I didn’t hurt you, Lu Xin. It’s your elder Tan Sui. If it weren’t for him, you could still live well. People like this are not ghosts and ghosts. "Xu Renke doesn’t agree with each other’s point of view. You know, if Piaoyun Mountain doesn’t take the initiative to provoke him, where will he provoke Piaoyun Mountain? It’s that obsessed Lu Xin who wants to win Du Qiyan’s favor and just wants to help Du family crush the Xu family. This makes Piaoyun Mountain slain. To say that Lu Xin is really a shame bear child.
Xu Ren voice behind that by tan sui and lu heart together a monk body suddenly appeared a fluctuation.
Although the fluctuation was slight, it was captured by Xu Ren.
This is a great discovery for Xu Ren. Although Tan Sui and Lu Xin are two souls twisted together, it can be seen that Tan Sui is still the leader.
This is also normal. After all, Tan Sui’s strength is far from Lu Xin’s, and even if he was seriously injured, his mental strength is stronger than Lu Xin’s, and the fusion of these two souls is also dominated by Tan Sui.
This fluctuation makes Xu Ren feel that the soul fusion of Lu Xin Tan Sui is not necessarily willing. After all, a good person who wants to suddenly have a soul in his body but also dominate his body and will.
"Don’t talk nonsense, we are all blamed on you." The monk dominated by Tan Sui was forced to suppress the fluctuation, and his heart seemed to be a little panicked. After all, things were like what Xu Ren said, they were looking for Xu Ren first.
"Where am I talking nonsense? Tan Sui, you wounded old ghost don’t even let go of a younger generation. What’s the difference between living alive at the expense of occupying Lu Xin’s body? Poor Lu Xin is a young talent, and his bright future is ruined by you. "Since I feel that Lu Xin Tan Sui’s spiritual integration is not so harmonious, Xu Ren certainly has to make a good profit.
There was another wave of fluctuation in the monk’s body, which was stronger than before.
"Heart, I promise you, I’ll take someone else’s body and give it back to you. At this point, we must be consistent with each other." Tan Suiyin was dignified because he had already felt the resistance of Lu Xin in the depths of his heart.
"That’s very nice to say. When you are restored, you will go to take possession of others? It’ s not so beautiful to take away someone else. It’ s not weak to have a good appearance. The most important thing is that it’ s perfect to stay in this body for so long, and there will be no rejection. " Xu Ren got no matter what that Tan Sui was thinking, anyway, when he said this, Lu Xin had to think about it.
The body exudes more and more fluctuations and is dominated by Tan Sui. Lu Xin’s face shows pain and struggle.
"Don’t resist. You are not as strong as me. If you resist again, we will both die." Tan Sui was in a hurry, and Lu Xin’s resistance has become more and more fierce
"Right, right, don’t resist. You both have to die. If you don’t resist, Lu Xin will die by yourself." At this moment, Xu Ren is not in a hurry. Let Lu Xin Tan Sui be fascinated by each other and compete for mutual consumption. When both sides lose, he can reap the benefits of others.
"Lu Xin, don’t make a toast. If you resist again, I don’t mind taking possession." Tan Sui was really anxious. Xu Ren said that there was nothing wrong with him. He really felt that Lu Xin’s body was very suitable for him to take possession, but his mind was damaged too badly. At that time, if the chances of success in taking possession directly were too low, he coaxed Lu Xin to let the two spirits merge together.
"The fox’s tail is exposed, isn’t it? Tan Sui, when you were seriously injured, you were not sure what to give up, and then you retired for a second time. Then you boiled the frog in warm water, which consumed Lu Xin’s mind a little bit. Lu Xin, did you find that with Tan Sui’s recovery, your sleep became longer and longer, and if you don’t fight back, I’m afraid it won’t be long before you will never wake up?" Xu Ren also fanned the flames to stimulate Lu Xin’s desire for survival and sent a more intense struggle to Tan Sui.
"Tan Sui, you old ghost, you owe me and my dad so much trust in you that you actually calculated me." Lu Xin regained control of his body for the first time. At this moment, he felt that what Xu Ren said was very reasonable. He was calculated by Tan Sui.
"Damn it!" Tan Sui, another soul of Lu Xin’s body, has been frustrated at the moment. His plan was unexpectedly disturbed by Xu Ren.
But at this time, Tan Sui is facing the biggest crisis, or Lu Xin is fighting back. The soul is Lu Xin, and the fit of this body is 100%. Although he is trying to adapt to this body, after all, it is not the fit of his original body, which is worse than Lu Xin.
"Lu Xin, your existing home court advantage, has a higher physical fitness than Tan Sui’s. If you do this, you will be forced out of Tan Sui’s mind, so you are almost alive and dead." Xu Ren aside Lu Xin pointed out that although he had no good impression on Lu Xin, he didn’t like people like Tan Sui.
Then Tan Sui and Lu Xin showed the intensity of fierce fighting, or Tan Sui occupied the wind and Lu Xin but occupied the home court advantage. The two souls killed each other and eventually became weaker and weaker.
Xu Ren is watching quietly, and now he doesn’t have to start work. Even if the last party wins, I’m afraid life is not long.
Although Lu Xin’s body didn’t move, it kept emitting fluctuations and it was stronger every time.
At the moment, Lu Xin’s spirit has already spent one third, and Tan Sui’s spirit has also spent a lot, but overall, he still has the advantage.
With the passage of time, Lu Xin was getting weaker and weaker, and eventually she was completely swallowed up by Tan Sui, and this body identity was completely turned into Tan Sui.
Xu Ren shook his head that Lu Xin was still too tender, and the soul struggle was a far cry from Tan Sui, a wily old fox.
Just after Tan Sui took over Lu Xin’s body, Xu Ren also offered his carefully prepared sword array.
Now his sword array is much more powerful than before, and it also has a certain ability to suppress his soul.
"Now I should call you Tan Sui, and you still won Lu Xin." After arranging the sword array, Xu Ren sighed slightly. I’m afraid this situation will never change, even if you are close to someone, you will not hesitate to make moves. It’s really terrible.
"Although I won Lu Xin, I still lost to you. Actually, we all lost. You are our destiny takes a hand’s nemesis. I really don’t understand how there can be people like you in this world." Tan Sui, the anti-guest, looked at Xu Ren’s eyes, not only hopeless but also full of despair.
"Many lines of injustice will kill you, not me, but yourself. Tan Sui or Lu Xinshi deserve to die. You all have many deserving lives." Xu Ren controls the sword array. He can’t let Lu Xin or Tan Sui kill them. Not only can that life get back to justice, but he can also eradicate a future trouble.
Tan Sui, who took Lu Xin’s body, gave birth to a feeling of being unwilling to be sad at the moment. His generation lived cautiously and never let himself venture. Only then did he live to such an age, but he didn’t expect that he was old and the sewer was overturned. Who would have thought that a small county family was undiscovered?
Of course, his luck was too bad, and he was seriously injured and escaped. He also kidnapped an apprentice and grandson, which made him take possession of his life. Unexpectedly, a negligence provoked Xu Ren again. This time, it was a bit of a day to get rid of his meaning.
"I’m not content that I haven’t lived enough!" Tan Sui growled and tried to resist the contraction of the sword array.
"You this person is really an old shameless not bashful say unwilling? I’m not ashamed to say that I haven’t lived enough. Have you ever thought about whether the family you killed is unwilling or not? And those monks who killed Piaoyun Mountain when you left Xujia, are they willing to live and not live enough? " Xu Ren frowning for this Tan Sui he is also very angry.
Tan Sui also resisted Nai Xu Ren’s control of the sword array, which was too powerful. He was a lost soul. How could he resist the strangulation of the sword array?
Chapter three hundred and ninety-five A keen
Although Tan Sui was full of unwillingness, his present state could not resist Xu Renjian’s array. Even if there was no amount of unwillingness in his heart, it would not help, and he was finally strangled completely by Xu Renjian’s array.
Xu Ren was slightly relieved that he had always been worried about these people, and Xu Jia had dissolved his hatred. It was a hidden threat for Xu Jia to keep them alive for one more day in this world. Now Tan Sui and Lu Xin have been completely beheaded by him, and his heart can naturally be slightly relieved.
Of course, it’s just a little sigh of relief, because he is most worried that there is no news about Lu Sanshan. That talent is the biggest worry in his heart. After all, Lu Sanshan is a master who can escape from the Xuan Gui Ding. Although he was not strong in repairing strength at that time, he couldn’t give full play to the true power of the Xuan Gui Ding, but the Xuan Gui Ding is still there, even if Xu Ren can’t play its power, he should not be underestimated
After cleaning up the mess, Xu Ren went on his way again, and he didn’t want to go back to that town. Anyway, all the family feuds were reported to the yamen, so let it be a case-solving.
After leaving the hillside, Xu Ren probably identified a direction and then plunged to the west
Although Xu Ren is in no hurry to go to Yuehua Xianmen, he also wants to see more local conditions and customs around Yuehua Xianmen.
Xu Renshi, of course, is selfish. In case the wind of this Yuehua Xianmen is too overbearing, he has to wake up. He has to keep a little distance from Yuehua Xianren and can’t do everything.
On this day, Xu Ren came to a small county, which was much bigger than the town he had been to before, and it was also richer. Judging from the architectural style, people here lived a better life than other places.
At the edge of the city, Xu Ren slowed down and planned to take a rest in the city and look at the local conditions and customs here.
As soon as Xu Rencai entered the city, he heard someone shouting, "Get out of the way."
Xu Ren followed the sound and found a young man galloping on a high street.
This scene also made Xu Ren frown slightly. The young man’s behavior is somewhat similar to that before him, but he doesn’t know if he is really a dude or pretending to be a dude.
Most people have avoided this dude’s galloping on horseback. A little girl was pushed to the ground and when she got up, she couldn’t escape.
Xu Ren, of course, can’t watch a little girl being trampled by that big burly horse. He immediately flickered directly to the little girl’s side and then directly pulled the little girl up next to him to avoid the collision of that big burly horse.
"Are you all right?" Saved the little girl Xu Ren slightly relieved asked.
The little girl was frightened, and now she turned pale and kept trembling. Xu Ren seemed to be unable to hear her at all.
Xu Ren saved the little girl, and at the same time, the burly horse suddenly leaned back and turned over directly.
The male gang turned over directly with extraordinary skill, and then fell asleep firmly.
"Boldness has disturbed my young master’s horse. I think you are looking for death." The accompanying servant jumped up before the boy could speak.
"It’s not polite that my horse was surprised first and almost hit someone. It’s our fault first." The man dressed up hurriedly spoke to stop the servant from losing his temper.
"Master, these men have never seen the world at first sight, and you don’t have to be polite to them." Servants did not converge after listening to the official words, but they remained adamant4.
"I don’t blame them for saying this. Are you deaf?" That dude is angry, too. On weekdays, these people don’t take him seriously, so forget it. Today, he has spoken, and the other party is still so adamant, which is too disrespectful to him.
"Young master is also young, and if you don’t reward him, it’s just that. How can you blame me?" The servant raised the sound track
Xu Ren also frowned after hearing the conversation between the master and servant. This two points are against the arrogance of the elder brother, but the servant is cocky
"Shut up!" The male is very angry, but he seems to be resistant to the servant.
Xu Ren nodded to the man and indicated that his spirit could naturally be felt. What the man said before was not made into a branch. He still respected the man.
That male elder brother can also apologize and smile when he sees Xu Ren nodding to himself. Although he is the second young master in the family, he is not in a position to even listen to him.
"Where is your home? I’ll take you back." Xu Ren decided to be a good man to the end. If he didn’t send the little girl back, I’m afraid the little girl would still be in trouble.
"I’m fine and I can go home by myself." The little girl was still cautious. Although Xu Ren saved her, she didn’t know whether Xu Ren was a good person or a bad person, and she didn’t tell Xu Ren where her family lived.

It’s a pity that they met Liu Xuan, a guy who is limited to the big tattoo artist.

Even if there is no five-line spirit-breaking tactic, the ban is not difficult for Liu Xuan, but with the five-line spirit-breaking tactic, he will lose interest in cracking this rune, see Liu’s wrist and then gently put the ban on it. With his gesture, the barrier that just emerged gradually disappeared.
Is it true that Liuxuan’s mouth is only a three-combination symbol grain ban to block the door?
He took the deep and remote cold sword in his hand, and the deep and remote cold brought its own illusion to start the whole person, just like disappearing into the air. Of course, this is a visual effect. If you encounter a god who is stronger than Liu Xuan, you can crack it. But is the northern fortress better than Liu Xuan?
But Guo Laogui is also a pity that Guo Laogui is not here, and Guo Laogui didn’t appear. Liu Xuan just walked in so boldly. Of course, he belongs to stealth effect.
Prison is not the same as the outside. Fortunately, Liuxuan has illusion, otherwise it will be found when he enters the door. It is no exaggeration for the prison department to say that it is ten steps, one whistle and five steps.
It’s really a prison here, but most of the cells are Liu Xuan who walked in all the way, but only three or five prisoners were seen, and all of them looked stupid, their eyes were blank, and they couldn’t see the machine, but they were like a fear of walking dead.
Liu Xuan can’t help but wonder if prisoners are so nervous just like three or five idiots.
At this time, a roar came from the depths of the cell, which sounded particularly frightening. It seemed like a painful cry and a roar of a beast. At that time, I couldn’t hear a natural sound, but the horse attracted Liu Xuan’s attention.
At the end of the cell, there are three torture chambers, which are different from ordinary cells. These torture chambers are all stone prisons, but each stone prison door has a window for outsiders to observe.
Liuxuan walked over and saw a picture that he couldn’t imagine.
There was a man in the first room, a man covered in blood, a man who seemed to have been skinned or a man who had been killed in the middle of the year. Liu Xuan was shocked at that time. How could this happen? This man was still bound by his hands and feet, and his wounds were not knife wounds, just like being torn, but judging from his clothes, these injuries were not imposed by outsiders. He looked more like his natural tears.
Liu Xuan was covered in wounds, and it was only from his bare skin that he could see the appearance of his wounds. His blood was almost drained, but he still didn’t die, and he gasped and didn’t know when he would suddenly die.
Liu Xuan secretly bit Kouga. This result is very obvious. Qin people must have been banned this day. Although I don’t know what kind of ban it is, it looks quite a bit like southern Xinjiang method techniques.
The second one looks like a man dressed in prison, but his body is clean and he looks very excited and growls constantly. It seems that Liu Xuan just heard the roar and actually came out of him.
Although the man was handcuffed and shackled, it didn’t affect his actions. He kept pacing back and forth in his cell. He was excited for a while and screamed for a while. When he was excited, he muttered something in his mouth. After a while, he became painful and slammed his head against the stone prison wall.
Liu Xuan shook his head. This man has gone crazy. The result is estimated to be the same as that of several others outside. Now he is finally white. yevgeny will say that dozens of officials have been taken away, but none of them have gone back. These officials who have been taken away are either dead like the first cell or crazy like the second. Liu Xuan doesn’t know if there is a third result, but it seems that Beifan people are not going to let Qin people leave for a day.
Liuxuan couldn’t help wondering why Beifan people would choose officials to test it. I thought this in my heart and went to the third single stone prison involuntarily.
The third single stone prison is not just a person. There are four people in this stone prison. Liu Xuan actually knows two of them. One is naturally the Tianqin official who was taken away during the day today, and the other is the military giant Kaps Jin of Beifan Fortress.
The other two people, one is a mysterious man wrapped in black cloth, and the other is an ordinary Qin man. On that day, when Liu Xuan came to the door of the third stone prison, Qin people seemed to look at Liu Xuan’s position faintly.
So ordinary at a glance, Liu Xuan suddenly turned up a shocking wave in his heart. Liu Xuan’s heart was crazy and shocked not only because of this look, but also because his gods were violently hit. If his concentration was not strong enough, he might have been stared at instantly.
422, shocking conspiracy five
Liu Xuan found that there were four people in the stone prison, besides Kaps Jin and the Tianqin official who was brought in during the day, there was a package of black cloth and a very powerful opponent.
It’s a very, very powerful opponent who shocked Liu Xuan at a glance. Liu Xuan immediately concluded that this must be a pulse-changing strong man. I didn’t expect that the Beifan people were so bold to send troops to attack the northern fortress and even sent more than one pulse-changing strong man at the same time.
It’s a taboo thing to say simply. You know, Tianqin and Fanren Conference semifinals have an agreement, but the top ten Xuanmen don’t intervene in the world struggle, but other countries are not allowed to place troops to repair people’s strength. Although it is said that the parties to this agreement didn’t belong to the allies with Tianqin at that time, this agreement belongs to the whole Tianqin mainland.
I can’t believe that the people in the north are so reckless that the fortress in the north is even more than Guo Lao’s ghost. The strong Liuxuan has seen two pulse steps with his own eyes. I wonder if there is a third one.
Fortunately, Liuxuan kept the truth-seeking tactic at any time when he was moving. If it wasn’t for his truth-seeking tactic, he would have hidden the breath. Now I’m afraid he has been discovered by the other side’s strong pulse order.
When Liu Xuan’s heart was shocked, the mysterious man in the black cloth suddenly burst into a strange laugh. "It has become a god who helps those who help themselves. This has also become so that you have five controlled Qin officials. If it is shipped that day, Qin will do everything possible."
Kaps gold is also hey hey insidious smile counted "it depends on your country. If there is no magic medicine in your country, I’m afraid we have the strength to sweep Tianqin in the north, and there is no way to implement this plan. It’s true that you people in the east are like ghosts, and only you can come up with such a dirty trick."
Liu Xuan’s heart moved. It turns out that this guy is a ghost from the East. Others call this country the North and the East, but it’s actually a completely different name. People in the North like to call them fighting nations or bears from the North. Because there are many people in the North, they like to totem bears or wolves. Even the name of their imperial capital is Xuelang Lake, but there are few such polite names for the East and the East. People in the East like to call them ghosts or ghosts directly.
Among the countries around Tianqin, the northern people’s territory has the greatest strength, but the northern people’s uninhibited personality has always been very good with Tianqin, and the worst with Tianqin is that the eastern people of Qindong are the rarest, and they are also unpopular. A hundred years ago, the multinational war was waged by the eastern people. Although they are a mere island country, their ambitions have always been the smallest and smallest, and they almost succeeded. If it were not for the top ten Xuanmen of Tianqin, I am afraid they would have won a hundred years ago.
However, even though it was driven out of the mainland by Tianqin, the ghost ambition of Dongfan has never been extinguished. It is said that in recent years, due to the weakening influence of the top ten Xuanmen, they have maliciously publicized the negative materials of the top ten Xuanmen of Qin people, and they want to poison the minds of young people in the country, so that they can brand their hatred of Qin at an early age.
Afraid of prestige but unwilling to be grateful means that Dongfan people remember that there was a dispute over a xianrentai island Dongfan people in the former dynasty. The former emperor thought that Tianqin was a big country in China and should have the tolerance of China, so he planned to give xianrentai to Dongfan, but Dongfan people didn’t appreciate it. They thought that they deserved it, not only because they didn’t have Huaide, but also because they were angry. At last, the navy forcibly took back xianrentai at that time. Up to now, xianrentai should be Tianqin Dongfan people’s solution.
"Don’t be wild with fear of power" used to mean that in some small countries around you, you keep giving him favors in the hope of achieving your goals. This is not possible. You have to give him favors to let him know that you are good. In addition, Dongfang people are characterized by ingratitude. He can’t remember how much kindness you have given him, but once you offend him for something, he won’t forget how little it is.
They will be honest only when they have absolute strength. If the top ten Xuanmen are in power or participate in the secular struggle in Tianqin, the ghosts in the Middle East are broken and dare not be so rampant. But it is because Xuanmen pays attention to cultivating the mind and getting rid of dust that they finally understand their own failure in the past. If Tianqin destroys the country and the people are displaced and hungry, Xuanmen forces will easily not intervene in the secular struggle.
The parcel black cloth east fan mocked Kaps gold but didn’t mean that he was ridiculous. "The experiment is still too little, and I’m still too low. The vice is too big. If it’s a master’s hand, the success of the Xuan can be 10% higher, or if it’s a master’s hand, the success of the Xuan can reach 40%. But it can be done for the time being. Let’s take a look at the functions of the last few days. I believe these people can try it. If we get Silla and Xiang Wang to help us control the day, it can be achieved."
Liu Xuan has understood the dialogue between Kaps Jin and Dongfan Ghost. It seems that Dongfan Ghost found that it was impossible to invade Tianqin by its own national strength alone, and some new officials were catalyzed by him in a special way. They meant to hold these officials hostage, and they planned to hold the new king hostage to make the princes. In this way, although the sky is still Qin, it is actually controlled by Dongfan and Beifan people, and they can gradually devour March, cede territory for half a year, pay compensation and finally swallow Tianqin.
When thinking about their plan, Liu Xuan couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat. This trick is simply vicious. For example, if several major forces he visited really got Qi Xin’s words, Qin was really in danger that day.
Liu Xuan more think more afraid also dare not listen to, for fear of being discovered by the famous pulse order strong hundreds of soldiers encirclement and suppression, even myself, I’m afraid there is absolutely no survival, so he must first report back to his legacy.
423, shocking conspiracy six
Liu Xuan, the catalytic person, couldn’t help but think of the five thousand troops who were catalyzed by the power of the small report. They were also catalyzed by drugs. Hu brushed their hands and catalyzed guanyu. These people turned out to be drugs. If you think about it, I’m afraid not. Are these all the ghosts of Dongfan people?
If that’s the case, Dongfan people have played a big game of chess. You should know that Wang Xiang, Han Mo and even all the anti-Qin forces were supported by Dongfan people this day, and it seems that it’s not just Dongfan country because he heard what the Dongfan ghost said.
Liu Xuan can feel that the ghost body is similar to the fluctuation of spiritual practice. Then the so-called head grandmaster in his mouth is naturally the Xuanmen power. But what kind of Xuanmen power will have such a strong ability to support so many forces at the same time? Don’t say that it is not just the Hyderabad religion and the remnants of the previous dynasty. If you count him again, he has just arrived in Silla and King Xiang, and now Liu Xuan in the north is already afraid to imagine.
When he retired from prison, Liu Xuan felt that he was being stared at. This feeling was that when he was a child, he was like being stared at by a wild animal. You knew he couldn’t find it.
Liuxuan is a little flustered. Just now, the situation in the prison is that it’s a big conspiracy. If the other party finds out, I’m afraid it’s a hundred thousand soldiers, and I won’t let myself leave. But now it seems that everything is fine. It seems that this pulse order is feeling wrong, but I still can’t determine my identity. If he breaks my identity, it’s really bad.
Thought of here LiuXuan don’t hesitate to fly sword deep and remote cold directly throw up the fly sword head and don’t fly back to the south.
The fortress in the north is forbidden, but now it is not wartime, and secondly it consumes a lot of money. No one can always keep the forbidden place. Generally, when there is no war, the forbidden place is closed, which gives Liu Xuan a chance to get away. It is strange to see a light blue shadow flying in the direction of Tianqin.
Liu Xuan’s flying sword on this side didn’t react until he followed the pulse order. During the flight, Liu Xuan felt a slight shock and an overwhelming pressure from the side. He hurriedly added his head and saw that there was a red and white Changhong following his own speed.
This LiuXuan would have expected the pulse order. How could the strong not have their own magic weapon? The other side’s flying sword must be far away. If it is a powerful pulse order, I’m afraid the flying sword has surpassed the boundary of Lingbao and may have reached the multiplier point. If it is true, it is estimated that it will be chased by the other side within a hundred miles.
Liu Xuan, also known as an artist, is bold. He is not afraid of finding and being chased by the pulse order. He is most afraid of being found by the northern fortress military, but from the current situation, the other party has not informed the northern military.
So LiuXuan relieved that if it weren’t for the marginal sea tactics, even if the strength of the other side is strong, he is not without a fighting force. Even if he can’t beat it, he can always run away. Don’t say that he is pregnant with longevity. It is estimated that he can also hide away.
At first, the northern fortress was the first male in the sky. At first, the ground still felt tall. It was not until Liu Xuan flew that he really felt the grandeur of the northern fortress. The first male on this day was really not white. Don’t say that it spanned nearly a hundred miles from left to right, plus the thickness of more than a dozen miles. Counting the battlements, a single northern fortress covers an area of several hundred miles. Fiona Fang is really as people often say that this fortress is like an iron lock, which has blocked the passage of Tianqin Beifan.

"Who is a relative with him!"

Say that finish Sun Yi "hum" a turn my back to don’t talk.
Su Yonglin shook his head.
"I know that the righteous brother has no selfishness in this matter. He wants to ask for some benefits for the ministries. Brothers call Sanzhou with their heads and want a birthright. It’s not too much. The Grand Commander really owes consideration to this."
Sun Yi turned and caught a glimpse of Su Yonglin.
"Just now, you didn’t say that in front of everyone. Now, it seems that you Su Yuting is also a slick generation! Will gossip behind your back! Little people! "
Su Yonglin shook his head with a face of nai.
"Just that kind of occasion I help you to talk is not to give the grand marshal? Is he coming to Taiwan? He is still a grand marshal, of course, in front of so many people. "
"Then you go to him! Don’t come and talk to me! One bite at a time … Why don’t you join hands to get rid of me! Or my horse will go by itself and don’t want you to rush! "
Sun Yi angry staring at Su Yonglin nu way "are you so towards him and he have any secret agreement? Are you two going to join hands to crowd me out? "
"Brother Yi’s words are poor!"
Su Yonglin busy said, "I, you came to Yidu on the same day, and you handed in the list together. I really don’t know if I have time to meet the Grand Commander alone. It’s really not a secret agreement."
The main reason is that so many new soldiers who joined the retrocession just stood there and looked at us three uprising elders, causing conflicts. Where should we put the marshal’s face together without giving it to the marshal? What about those soldiers who participated in the recovery?
Let’s play the banner of Shan Zhao and the banner of Grand Commander. Everyone knows that the Grand Commander of the Guangfu Army is Shan Zhao, not Sun Yi, not Su Yonglin. The Guangfu Army needs a real Grand Commander. This is the overall consideration!
And where is Brother Yi going? Without us, let’s split up and disperse our forces, and finally be defeated by the gold thieves one by one, or should Brother Yi think that the gold thieves can let you go and pretend that nothing happened? "
Sun Yi "hum" again without refuting.
But he was still angry.
"The big picture, the big picture, the big picture, I took the brothers to attack the city with their heads and what did the gold thief kill? Isn’t it wealth? If I don’t get rich and turn over, why don’t I fight for my life and not follow him to revolt in Zhaoshan?
After winning the war, you asked me to write to him and let him call himself the head of Shandong Province. He sealed himself and it was our turn. Why should he reciprocate? Tri-state, it’s me. I asked him for a birthright. What’s wrong with the reward?
He gave nothing. He gave nothing! Do you want me to continue to go with my brothers? I will when the time comes, and none of my brothers will! Su Yuting, how can I tell my brothers? "
Sun yiyue said that he was getting angry.
Su Yonglin is smiling.
"So didn’t I ask for a reward for you?"
"Do I want that?"
Sun Yiqi turned around and looked at Su Yonglin. "I don’t care if he is the main manager of Shandong. I promise to agree with him to be bigger. I don’t mind, but it’s my credit that I called Sanzhou, right? I don’t want anything, either. Why don’t he be a big manager and I be a small manager?
I’m not just myself, I think I can give my brothers some rewards when I become a small manager. You can be a secretariat and a county magistrate, and everyone can be rich with a reward.
But he gave nothing. Nothing! Yuting, you’re also fighting for the city. Don’t you mind? Do you mind if he doesn’t seal those places for you to manage? When the time comes, we’ll work hard at the front line, and he’ll change hands and seal us off to someone else to be in charge. Will you? "
Sun Yi’s angry words blurted out like a barrage, and Su Yonglin couldn’t find a chance to interrupt when he wanted to interrupt.
Very easy when he finished Su Yonglin quickly cut in.
"No brother how can do that? He knows that it is necessary to prioritize and reward, and now we just don’t have time. "
Su Yonglin stretched out his hand and took Sun Yi’s hand. "Brother Yi, what we need is to unite as one to fight against the gold thief instead of having a little birthright here, which is not good for us."
The army of gold thieves will definitely come, and none of us can fight against the gold thieves alone without the Guangfu Army as a whole. We don’t have the strength. We must unite closely to fight against the gold thieves! "
Sun Yi looked at her face and Su Yonglin took a deep breath and was silent for a while, but her face was still full of unhappiness.
I’ll talk to him later.
"You know wisely, but Zhao Shan doesn’t necessarily know wisely like you! I think he is a greedy generation! Short-sighted! Hey! "
Then Sun Yi shook Su Yonglin’s hand. "You go home, I want to rest."
Su Yonglin smiled and nodded his head.
"Knowing the general situation is not my righteous brother, but also knowing the general situation. We still have to support each other and rely on each other. The current commander also promised to reward the merits and rewards after the war on Shandong West Road."
"Say all the beautiful words!"
Sun Yi turned over a supercilious look again and left without saying hello to Su Yonglin, so he left here to dry.
Su Yonglin sighed and turned away by himself.
Sun Yi’s side is barely appeased Zhao Shan, who also needs him to mediate.
Chapter 73 Ideals belong to ideals and interests to interests
Everything that happened at this moment was expected by Su Yonglin.
When Sun Yi asked him to hand over the list together, he expected that there would be some movement here in Zhaoshan.
I didn’t expect Zhao Shan to react a little too aggressively.
At the top, it’s called failure to achieve great things. At the bottom, it’s just shallow eyelids.
Congenital deficiency The first crack appeared in the rebel group of the Guangfu Army at this moment.
But in this way, Zhao Shan is Su Yonglin’s satisfied "brother". If he is atmospheric enough and generous enough, Su Yonglin thinks these things are not easy to fuck.
To put it bluntly, the Guangfu Army or Zhaoshan is full of tools in his eyes.
Zhaoshan and Guangfu Army have positive significance in a specific historical stage, but it is a stumbling block in the following historical stage.
Having said that, it would be premature for the Guangfu Army to split openly now.
In Su Yonglin’s vision, the Guangfu Army should at least sweep across half of the Central Plains and start a prairie fire before splitting, instead of splitting when the fire first started.
As a result, he also needs adhesive to form two sides with the mud to maintain the surface joint.
On the other hand, from the leader’s point of view, there is nothing wrong with Zhao Shan’s approach, but it is a mess in practice and process.
It is normal and necessary for leaders to win victory by themselves. The army is not only a military leader but also a spiritual leader, firmly controlling the victory of the army.
It’s normal for Zhao Shan to be the absolute leader of the Guangfu Army, but it’s better to be gentle.
Pass me the list of awards. You don’t say a word, you don’t give any awards, you don’t even want to give money to the real Guangfu army. Are they all fighters who want human liberation?
But even the material needs of human liberation soldiers are as much as giving.
Who can fight on an empty stomach?
Su Yonglin, in addition to literacy and political and ideological education for the army, has a lot of material things, which is definitely not just a slap in the face.
The soldiers of Victory Army definitely followed Su Yonglin not only because of their ideas.
People have a very realistic side.
Ideal belongs to ideal, benefit belongs to benefit, and most people still have to rely on benefit to drive their own needs, or they have to get basic satisfaction.
Su Yonglin has long established the rule that all seized goods belong to the public, which is a unity from the era of smuggling salt dealers to the present victory army.
But it is also public to seize and return to the public.
He will do everything he can to improve the living standards and equipment of the army, ensure that everyone has enough to eat, wear warm clothes and occasionally improve their lives.
It’s not Su Yonglin’s own selfish desire to seize and return to the public, but that all people can enjoy these seizures relatively fairly.
Su Yonglin’s self-restraint ability is very strong, and he never reveals his hobbies and selfish desires.
We all have ideals and drive, and we are very satisfied with our spirit, but we are also human beings and some people have the minimum material needs.
Su Yonglin has always insisted on three meals a day, which makes the soldiers who just joined the Victory Army be dead set on him.
Actually, three meals, one meal, many meals, not bad.
I can’t say how good it is, but it’s enough to manage the grain with enough salt
Maybe he will try his best to replenish oil and water for soldiers to improve their lives.